Why Seal Coating Is a Must-Have for Your Commercial Asphalt

15 December 2023
 Categories: , Blog


A commercial property with a well-maintained parking lot speaks volumes about its owner's professionalism and commitment to safety. However, maintaining a parking lot is not an easy task, especially when it comes to asphalt. Asphalt is prone to damage from weather elements such as UV rays, rain, and debris. One of the best ways you can keep your commercial parking lot looking good while prolonging its lifespan is through seal coating. Here is a look into why seal coating is essential for your commercial asphalt.

Offer a Protective Coating Against the Elements

Seal coating plays a significant role in protecting your commercial parking lot from the elements mentioned earlier. It creates a barrier between the asphalt and harmful UV rays from the sun, reducing the risk of oxidation. Through oxidation, asphalt will break down, crumble, and turn grayish over time. Additionally, seal coating protects your asphalt from winter's freeze-thaw cycles that can lead to expansion and contraction, resulting in cracks.

Enhances Your Curb Appeal

First impressions are everything to businesses. As earlier mentioned, a well-maintained parking lot speaks volumes about the establishment's overall cleanliness and professionalism. A dingy parking lot that's starting to deteriorate sends an image of uncleanliness and poor maintenance. Therefore, seal coating is an excellent way to enhance your curb appeal and create a positive image for your business.

Saves You Money

One of the advantages of seal coating is that it can help you save money in the long run. Proper seal coating done by a professional provides a protective layer that extends the life of your asphalt. By putting it off, weather elements can break down the asphalt and cause large cracks and potholes. All of these problems require costly repairs or, even worse, a complete resurfacing of the driveway or parking lot. By seal coating your asphalt, you're investing in damage prevention.

Shortens the Curing Process

Freshly poured asphalt may take several months to cure entirely. Seal coating can cut this time down by half, meaning you can use your driveway or parking lot much sooner. You should wait about a month for the asphalt to cure before seal coating, though.


Seal coating is a cost-effective way to maintain your parking lot's asphalt surface. The process takes less time, labor, and materials than resurfacing, allowing you to save a considerable amount. Proper maintenance ensures your asphalt's longevity and saves you money over time.

Seal coating is a must-have for any commercial property owner looking to maintain their parking lot's longevity and curb appeal. By protecting asphalt from damage caused by weather elements and enhancing the property's appearance, you'll impress clients and customers while saving money in the long run. It's a cost-effective solution that helps prevent potential problems before they escalate into costly repairs. To make the most of seal coating, make sure to hire professional services to ensure that the job is done right.

For more information on commercial paving, contact a professional near you.