Winter Asphalt Repairs – Why This Is the Best Time for It

12 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog


When we think of asphalt repairs, the first thing that comes to our mind is summer. We think that it’s the perfect time to have our driveway or parking lot repaired. However, did you know that winter is actually the best time to have your asphalt repairs done?

In this blog post, we will discuss why winter is the ideal time for asphalt repairs.

No need for long wait times

During the season when everything seems to slow down, asphalt companies are no exception. Since winter is a low season for most asphalt contractors, you won't have to wait for long to get your asphalt repairs done. Moreover, you can also negotiate pricing or discounts because the contractors are looking for work during the off-season.

The asphalt freezes better

Asphalt repair work requires the surface to be completely dry before it can be applied. Summer weather creates a number of challenges for the repair work, as the heat can cause the asphalt to dry out prematurely. On the other hand, winter weather ensures that water is condensed, making it easier for the repair materials to freeze and cure. This typically means that the repair will last longer and be stronger.

Better quality materials

Asphalt contractors usually use off-season time to replenish their inventory to prepare for the busy summer season. During the winter season, contractors make sure that only the high-quality materials are stocked up. This is to ensure that the quality of the repair work that they do is high while also improving the reliability of the materials used during the process.

Fewer disruptions

With the winter season being a low season for asphalt repairs, there are fewer disruptions that you need to worry about. If you own a business and have a parking lot that needs repair, repairing it during the winter season means that there will be less disturbance. The parking lot will be fully functional when the business resumes.

Faster completion times

As mentioned earlier, asphalt repair companies have fewer customers during the winter season. Because of this, they can focus their time and attention on just a few projects. This means faster repair times that could previously take weeks can be completed in just a few days, even with inclement weather.

Winter might not be what it seems for asphalt repairs. It's the best time to ensure that your driveway, parking lot, or sports court is orderly and functioning. With the low season, you won't have to compete with other customers. Better materials, faster repair times, and minimal interruptions are the perks that come with winter asphalt repair. Therefore, if you have repairs that need to be done, consider scheduling them during winter for better value for your money.

Contact an asphalt paving company to learn more.